
Leesville Elementary Backpack Program Gearing Up

Lillis Ward, Outreach Team

I am so excited to announce that Leesville Elementary School is gearing up to have the Pride Packs Program back in full swing this week.  They are restocking the shelves; the social worker is helping to identify children for the program, and plans are falling into place for a successful year. The PTA leader who is in charge this year said that they are heavily dependent on churches for monetary and food donations and hope we can pick up where we left off in March 2020. 55 children have already been identified as food insecure. Through your pledges and donations, the church Outreach Team was able to make a sizable monetary donation to help get the year started. 

So, Church of the Nativity, get ready! There will be a collection box in the Narthex of the church the 1st Sunday of each month. In addition, there will be a collection basket in Corlett Hall where donations can be dropped off at any time. Church volunteers will drop the food donations off to the school office the first week of the month and from there, school volunteers will assemble the backpacks for the students. Each backpack will contain 2 breakfasts 2 lunches, 2 suppers, and snacks to give the students enough food for the weekend. Foods purchased need to be individual food serving containers (no large boxes please). If you can find cans with pull top lids, that is helpful so children don’t have to struggle with a can opener. See the attached list for recommended items. Monetary donations need to be written to LES PTA.    

Here is a tangible way we can make a difference in the lives of our youngest learners. Please join us in the effort to curb hunger.

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