Below is a list of Food Security projects Nativity is involved in. Click on each of the projects for more detail.
- Rise Against Hunger
- Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
- Leesville Elementary Pride Packs (food pantry)
- Grocery Bags for Seniors
- MLK Day of Service
Rise Against Hunger

An international relief organization based in Raleigh, Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) distributes food and other life-saving aid to vulnerable children and families around the world, and works to help end world hunger. Since 2011, Nativity has hosted an annual, multi-generational meal packing event during which 10,000+ meals are packaged in about two hours.
For more information, Email Rene Garces.
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle

The Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (IFFS) pioneers innovative solutions to end hunger in a seven-county area of central North Carolina. Part of the Feeding America Network, the IFFS has expanded its mission beyond emergency food provision to sustainable, local solutions to food hardships. The Rev. Jill Staton Bullard, a member of Nativity before she was ordained to the Diaconate, co-founded this organization in 1990 and it has been part of Nativity’s outreach ever since. Nativity members have served on the board and many members are long-time volunteers for IFFS. For more information, visit the ministry website at the link above.
Leesville Elementary Pride Packs (food pantry)

Church of the Nativity helps to provide food for Leesville
Elementary School students who are identified by school staff as
having food insecurity on weekends. On the first Sunday of each
month, we collect both food and monetary donations in the church
Narthex and Corlett Hall. The next day, church volunteers deliver
those donations to Leesville Elementary, only two miles away.
School volunteers assemble bags of breakfast, lunch, and supper
items to be given to students each Friday before they leave for
the weekend. For those members who miss the first Sunday,
there is a collection basket in Corlett Hall available to receive
donations at any time. Food donated needs to be in individual
serving sizes. See the link below for needed items.
For more information, Email Lillis Ward.
Find a shopping list here.
Grocery Bags for Seniors

Partnering with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (IFFS), Church of the Nativity packs and delivers groceries to Windsor Spring Senior Community, Meadow Springs Senior Apartments, and Garden Springs Apartments the first Thursday of each month.
IFFS provides the groceries and allows us the use of their facility to assemble 100 bags – one for each resident of the community. After packing the bags, we deliver them to the door of each resident. This is a great opportunity for intergenerational community work, as ages 8 and up are welcome to participate. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, you may contact Larry and Scarlet Wilson at 804-721-1850 or Email Larry and Scarlett Wilson for help with registration.
Martin Luther King Day of Service

When Kate Deiter-Maradei and Nicholas Maradei adopted their daughter in 2011, they wanted to find an organic way to honor her cultural heritage. So, they started an MLK day service project in their home. In 2017 the project had grown to the point of needing more space, and Nativity began co-hosting the event. That year, the family and the Church (working together) donated over 1,000 pounds of dried pinto beans and peanut butter to Urban Ministries of Wake County. The event brings together a community and sparks conversation about Dr. King and how his work made the world a better place. For more information Email Kate Deiter-Maradei.