Children and Youth Glad Tidings

Urban Adventure Meeting October 30, 2022 – Reveal of 2023 destination!

(Important Note: The date of the trip has been extended one additional day.)

The Nativity’s Urban Adventure trip for Rite 2 Youth (9th-11th graders) has been set for June 11-June 16, 2023 and we will be working with Wonder Voyage to help craft the trip. On September 25, 2022, we revealed several exciting potential trip locations and the youth then narrowed down their options to their top two choices.  On October 30 at 9:30 am, the youth will find out which city they will be headed to in June!

Why does Nativity do a Youth Urban Adventure trip? 

At Nativity, we feel that this trip is a coming-of-age experience, where youth are in a safe but foreign environment exploring the urban city while learning and developing skills needed for adulthood. Some of these skills include active listening, negotiation, assertion, research, information management, partnership, accountability, leadership, and responsibility.  All logistics not handled by Wonder Voyage will be planned, coordinated, and implemented by the youth under the watchful eye of chaperones. Nativity’s past experiences have been to Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Baltimore, and Nashville.

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