Adult Formation

True Colors Book Study:  Beyond a Binary God: A Theology for Trans* Allies

by Jeremy Clos

Beginning on Wednesday, October 18 we will offer a five-week book study series centered on the Rev. Tara K. Soughers’ new book, Beyond a Binary God: A Theology for Trans* Allies. Each week, we will tackle one of the five chapters in the book, led by Rev. Stephanie Allen, Rev. Phillip Bass, and Helen Moses. The group will meet in Curry Hall Room 202 from 6:30–8 pm each Wednesday. To indicate your interest, please register here to let us know you’ll be coming.  The book is available through most retail outlets including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

All are made in the image and likeness of God. If this is what we believe, then trans people, like all people, reflect something of God, and not just in the ways that they share in common with others, but also in the ways that they are different. They remind us that God is beyond all of our categories, even gender. What does it mean about God and about humans, that there is not a strict gender binary? How can we affirm and include what we have learned about the permeability of boundaries to affirm those whose path does not follow traditional cultural stereotypes, and how might the broadening help us to understand the God who is never two for Christians, but both one and three? What gifts does this broader understanding bring to the church?

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