Glad Tidings

The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray

We will celebrate the Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray on July 1st with special live streamed service of Evening Prayer, beginning at 6:00pm with an Organ Meditation, followed by Evening Prayer at 6:15*.  These earlier times for the services will allow us to also join in the Diocescan wide livestream at 7pm.

Admittedly, I had never heard the name Pauli Murray until I became an Episcopalian.  As I learned more, I realized I was familiar with so many things for which their work provided a foundation.  Foremost, the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, but also the wider work of sit-ins, rallies, and boycotts, as they worked toward advancing civil rights legislation. This work alone is inspirational.

Even so, the more I learn about Pauli Murray, the more my admiration grows.  While being celebrated as the first African-American woman ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church, as well as being among the first women to be ordained, Murray struggled with gender identity during a time in which there was little support and even scant language to describe their experience.

As so many of our fellows still struggle today to claim their God-given human dignity, it seems that Murray is an inspiring figure for so many.  They were a feminist, a civil rights leader, and though presenting as a woman to most, a pioneer amongst LGBTQ+ individuals.

So, at a time when we strive to help our brothers and sisters proclaim that black lives really do matter, and as we rejoice at the recent US Supreme Court decision extending more civil rights protections to our LGBTQ+ siblings, it is important that we take a moment to sit in prayer, to contemplate, and to celebrate one on whose shoulders those continuing the struggle stand.

As we offer our prayers and thanksgiving, our service will feature some special guests:  The Reverend Gwen Fry will join us to read the lessons, and actor Lachlan Watson will read the biography of Pauli Murray.  I’m so pleased they can join in this special evening.  

I hope you’ll join in! 

Pax Christi,
Jeremy Clos 

*Please note that our services of Evening Prayer will continue the following week beginning at 6:30pm.