From the Clergy

The Generosity of All Hallow’s Eve

This coming Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of All Saints. In the history of the church, this has been a three-day celebration, beginning with All Hallows Eve, now Halloween, on October 31, All Saints Day on November 1, and then All Souls Day on November 2. Lately in the church, we have collapsed the three somewhat, remembering during our worship on Sunday morning (All Souls) all those who have died and celebrating new life that joins us to the Saints through the celebration of Baptisms (All Saints).

Halloween has become a cultural celebration, not just for children, of costumes and sweet treats, and fun. All Hallows Eve traditionally was a time to remember our ancestors and to chase away any hovering evil spirits. Halloween now seems to be a time for us adults to pretend to be something other than who we are, just for one night. We can indulge in treats that we would ordinarily deny ourselves and let loose from our normal day-to-day. In choosing a costume, we can pretend to be more than what we usually allow ourselves – a little more scary, a little more bold, a little more sexy.

I wonder what would happen if we brought that longing to church. How does God free us so that we feel worthy of the indulgence of treats beyond one night? How might we carry the generosity of sharing something sweet with the next person who knocks on our door? How else could we share the hospitality of a party or gathering and bring our true selves, not just the ones with the acceptable masks we share with the world? Can we trust our community to see us, warts and all?

The thing is, God sees us. God sees our hidden longings; God sees our desires, our deepest wishes, our ugliest thoughts. And God loves us through them all. With God’s help, may we carry the spirit of All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day with us beyond those three nights. May we remember those who came before us, may we remember the saints who show us how to be brave disciples, and may we be a little bolder in our faith, less afraid to share God’s love, and more emboldened in our generosity.

Speaking of generosity, our 2020 pledge campaign, Made for Mission, Created for Connection has begun. Thus far, we have received approximately $23,000 in pledges. Visit our Giving page to make your pledge today. We thank you for you generosity, and hope your Halloween and All Saints celebrations include lots of sweet treats!