From the Clergy

The Burning Bush

In our readings this Sunday, Moses encounters God in a burning bush. Would that be nice right now? Or terrifying? Probably terrifying. Moses was pretty scared. Not only does the voice of God come from a bush that burns but isn’t consumed, but he asks Moses to do something that sounds impossible.

In the Gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples to take up their cross.  A cross that will not bring them fame or glory or even praise. Taking up the cross means not seeing the end result, not being sure what God is about, but believing that God will prevail, love will win, even if we don’t see it in this lifetime.

We are being called as followers of Jesus to live through a global pandemic with grace, compassion, and love. We are being called to cry out against systemic racism and injustice in our country, and to work towards an equitable world in which all God’s children are loved and honored and each life afforded dignity and respect. It seems sometimes impossible.

Yet, our faith says that it is possible. We have our part to play as followers of Jesus who believe in a love that has saved us all. The story doesn’t end at the cross.

The burning bush is asking something of us all. What is God saying to you? How will you respond?