From The Rev. Dr. David Lynch:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . . (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I give thanks for the season and the time that you dear friends have allowed me to serve as your Deacon. I have learned so very much from all of you as we have grown together spiritually. But the time has come for me to hand over both the responsibilities and the personal rewards of regular service at the altar and pastoral care to other capable persons.
Thank you for your many generous kind words, spoken and written. And thank you especially for the tremendous support you demonstrated last Sunday in the worship services and that delicious potluck meal. My tears were tears of joy. I felt surrounded by your love.
I give special thanks for the privilege of working with the Reverend Stephanie Allen, who is exceptionally gifted in all the roles expected of a priest: pastor, preacher, administrator, counselor, visionary leader. She has been a true mentor to me, both professionally and spiritually. I count her as a dear friend.
The Church of the Nativity understands and models God’s beloved community, setting high standards for all of us. I look forward to continued association with you as a loyal member of the congregation. My prayers will always be with you.
With a grateful heart,
One reply on “Thank You! from David”
What a lovely message. We (David’s family) are likewise so very grateful for his time at Nativity and the many ways we and our children were welcomed and included in services and activities during his time as Deacon! We echo his words for Stephanie in all of her many roles, and we have witnessed the love, fellowship, and cherished connections David has had and will continue to have with this parrish! Blessings to all, Christie and Stephan Ebert and family