From the Clergy

Thank you!

As we approach Thanksgiving, like many of you I am reminded of the many blessings in my life for which I am grateful. 2020 has certainly made that challenging for most of us. But, in a unique way, it has also allowed us to see and appreciate the world differently. Through countless Zoom meetings we have been invited into homes we may not have visited before. Some of us have had the space to reimagine what our work/life balance may look like. Because I’m working from home, I’ve had time to watch the garden blossom, grow, and settle in for another winter. I’ve also enjoyed more afternoon walks with my family.  

I am also grateful for each of you. I would never have imagined that I would be completing an internship during a pandemic. But you have made it work. And you have welcomed me with virtual open arms and in-person air hugs. I’m so appreciative of the ways so many of you have reached out to me, encouraged me, and welcomed me to participate in the life of Nativity. This period of discernment has been enriched by my time with your community. I’m so very grateful for the opportunity to try new things, to learn more about the life of the Church, and to make new friends.  

And, I’m grateful for your sense of joy. As someone dropped into the life of Nativity, I have been amazed by the joy you share. Even in the middle of a pandemic the love, the sense of community, and the excitement you share is palpable. So this Thanksgiving I will be pausing to give thanks for each of you and for the many ways you are shaping my discernment and my vision of what a future life of ministry may be.  

Thank you!

Phillip Bass