Caring for Creation

Launch of Restoring God’s Earth Program and Zero Waste Church

Restoring God’s Earth is a program of Church of the Nativity. On October 1, 2017, following a period of study and reflection on the curriculum, A Life of Grace for the Whole World, Nativity launched the program. The curriculum is based upon the Episcopal House of Bishop’s Pastoral Teaching on the Environment, which calls “for all God’s children to work for the common goal of renewing the earth as a hospital abode for the flourishing of all life.”

The program consists of 12 monthly themes with weekly actions for individuals and congregations. For example, the first two themes for the months October and November are “composting” and “reducingfood waste,” respectively.

Information about the themes and actions can be found on the new web site: Zero Waste Church, or by contacting The Rev. Stephanie Allen, or Carl Sigel, For questions about the Zero Waste Church initiative you can also email

We are inviting everyone who cares about restoring God’s Earth to join us in this work.

Caring for Creation

Restoring God’s Earth: A Year of Personal Action – Compost!

Welcome to the first week of Restoring God’s Earth: A Year of Personal Action.

Our first month we will be focusing on Composting.

Decaying food (process minus oxygen) in landfills produces methane – a powerful greenhouse gas, 84 times more damaging than carbon dioxide. Solution? Compost that food! Composting ads in oxygen to the process and produces nutrient rich soil. Compost added to the gardens retain water, produces healthier plants and can even pull carbon dioxide out of the air (a process called carbon sequestration)! It’s Earth’s finest form of recycling.

Here are suggestions for ways to get started composting. Click the link for more information.

Week 1

Freeze your food scraps for composting.

Find/rent a kitchen compost container.


The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it; the world and all who dwell therein. -Psalm 24:1