Social Justice

Social Justice at Nativity

In the second Glad Tidings issue of each month, Nativity’s Social Justice Committee will share announcements, events and recommended resources with the Nativity Community as we continue our pursuit of racial justice and reconciliation.

Announcements & Events

Anti-Racism Training

Dismantling Racism: Reclaiming Our Baptismal Promise

May 21, 5-8 pm & May 22, 9 am -1 pm

Via Zoom @ no cost

Click here to register.

This interactive workshop, conducted by the diocese’s Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee, is designed to “deepen spiritual commitment to dismantling racism. Through presentations, prayer, story sharing, videos and small group discussion, participants explore how the sin of racism impacts all lives.”

Social Justice Book Club

Please join us via Zoom (connect here) on Tuesday, June 1 at 7:30 pm, for our June Book Club – Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers her Superpower, by Brittney Cooper.  The book can be purchased or borrowed from Wake County libraries.

Recommended Resources

Racial Justice and Reconciliation (Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina) – Website

This website (click here) is updated regularly with social justice programs recommended by the diocese’s Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee.

Sounds Like Hate – Podcast

A podcast produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Sounds Like Hate is “an audio documentary series about the dangers and peril of everyday people who engage in extremism, and ways to disengage them from a life of hatred.” The podcast can be found online here or on your favorite podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

-Anne Krouse