Glad Tidings

Reverse Advent Calendar Part 2

I laid out my idea to Stephanie – we’d begin on November 29, the first Sunday of Advent. Every family participating would pick up an empty box at the church (to decorate at home however they chose), a daily check off sheet and a list of suggested items. On the last Sunday of Advent, December 20, the filled boxes would be brought back to Nativity where my husband and I would collect them and deliver them to the, as of that time, unknown recipients.

Stephanie suggested I contact Peggy Wade, who has several families that through her have a connection to Nativity. Perfect!

Peggy and I had a wonderful conversation. She was excited when I outlined my idea to her, and she offered some great suggestions. The 14 families that she looks out for are all on food stamps; she schooled me on what can and cannot be bought with food stamps; some I was aware of, others were a shock. Food stamps cannot be used to buy coffee or tea, toothpaste, bath soap or toilet paper (really, no toilet paper!?!) and the list goes on. She suggested we collect cleaning products, paper products, personal hygiene products, interspersed with holiday treats like Christmas candy and cookies.

My idea was now a plan on its way to becoming a project. Back to Stephanie. She suggested we ask the families to say a prayer each day for the family they are filling the box for, as they add another item to the box. On December 20, when the boxes are returned, we gather them in the Narthex for a blessing before we deliver them to their families.

For more information, to become a part of this outreach, please contact me at

Cheryl Waechter