Glad Tidings

Reaching Up Reaching Out: An Update

Reaching Up Reaching Out: An Update

I know I sound like a broken record, but my gratitude for the continued generosity of this congregation is giving me life and sustaining my hope in my Covid-19 pandemic fatigue. Not only have many of you kept your commitment to funding our annual operations, we also continue to receive your contributions towards the Capital Campaign, Reaching Up Reaching Out. With your help, we made another significant payment towards the principle of the mortgage. Here is an update regarding the campaign from George Douglas and Pete Crow, the campaign co-chairs.


We are writing to thank you for your continued support of our Reaching Up, Reaching Out capital campaign, especially during this difficult and challenging year. Your Vestry has just recently made another significant payment from our campaign fund to the mortgage, reducing the principle to $314,000. In addition to telling you how grateful we are, we wanted to take this opportunity to give you an update on the progress we have made since the campaign began in June 2017.

As you may recall, the purpose of the RURO campaign was to (1) install solar panels on the roof of the Michael Curry education building, to conserve energy and reduce our operating costs; (2) to replace the total HVAC system in the church offices and kitchen in Estill House; and (3) to reduce our mortgage, which in early 2017 was approximately $611,000.

Thanks to the incredible support of our church community, we have accomplished the following to date:  (1) The solar panels were installed by the end of 2017 and have provided significant savings to reduce our electricity cost; (2) the HVAC system was replaced before the end of 2017; and (3) we have reduced our mortgage from $611,000 to $314,000 as of August 1, 2020. When all of the pledges have been fulfilled within the next year, we hope to reduce the mortgage to less than $250,000!

Many thanks to all who have continued to fulfill their pledges and all who have made contributions to the campaign during the past three years. If you are a newcomer and would like to contribute or get more information about the campaign, please contact George Douglas, our campaign chairman, at

Please know that your love and support will allow us to keep the Nativity community together and strong for years to come!