From the Clergy

Prepare Your Hearts

Remember some weeks ago when I asked for your forbearance as we tried to figure out how to do church online? I’m going to need to ask again, and I’m going to ask you to prepare your hearts.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of all my sermons and blog posts being about issues and feelings around COVID-19. Yet, it is clear that we are going to be dealing with the changes wrought by the highly contagious coronavirus for a long time to come. As we learn more about how this virus is spread, we have learned that sitting, in large groups, for extended periods of time, breathing the same air – like we do for church – increases the risk of transmission. What does this mean for our life together as Church of the Nativity?

First, we have moved to pre-recording the Sunday and Wednesday services. The videos will still “premier” at the usual time so that we may gather and watch at the same time and “see” one another, but each person will record individually. The Vestry approved this option as it allows us to include more people in the worship, allows us to see the faces of all involved, and it is really the only way we can have a soloist sing during the liturgy.

We will start to practice regathering after July 1. Our online worship will continue, but we can try some new ways of gathering. Our gatherings inside and outside will be limited in number. We will all need to wear a mask. There are many, many details to figure out as we slowly move into this next step. It is an opportunity for us to try things and see how they work. Again, forbearance. There will be a small group of Vestry members and others working on this plan in the next few weeks. We hope to have a survey out to get feedback from all of you as to what you need in terms of worship, formation, and fellowship in the coming months.

Prepare your hearts for what it will feel like to see everyone wearing a mask in worship, including the celebrant and preacher. Prepare your hearts for communion to be distributed and received in new ways. Prepare your hearts for any singing to be pre-recorded and that we won’t be singing as a congregation for a very long time. Forbearance.

Join with me in looking ahead to when we can focus on new ways for evangelism as we increase our online presence. Join me in working on how we can meet the needs of those suffering from job loss, food insecurity, and eviction in the months to come. Join me in imagining how we continue our work in racial reconciliation through offering the Sacred Ground program online as we are reminded almost daily by new headlines how much we need to dismantle unjust and racist systems. God invites us deeper into “becoming beloved community,” during this time. May we grieve the things lost, but listen deeply to hear God’s call for what is next.

Prepare our hearts, oh God, and send us your Holy Spirit.