Glad Tidings

New Covid Protocols for Sundays

The Diocese of North Carolina has released new reopening guidelines. Under these new guidelines, the following will take effect this Sunday, March 27:

  • Masks are optional during the worship service for all vaccinated people. You are welcome to keep wearing your mask, and we will still have masks available for anyone who needs or desires to take one. 
  • There is no need to sign up to attend services, nor leave your contact information that morning for contact tracing purposes any longer. If there is a reported exposure to Covid, we will inform the congregation through the Glad Tidings email list, the Nativity Facebook page, and on the website.
  • Since children and young people 5 years old and over may be vaccinated, masks are optional for those vaccinated, like the adults. Children under the age of 2 are not required to mask, and those 3-5 should be masked. However, we leave all masking decisions for children entirely to parents’ discretion. 
  • Please note, no gathering can be completely safe. Unvaccinated people remain susceptible to contracting COVID-19. Singing can increase transmission from infected individuals. 
  • If you do not feel well, please stay home, and join us online. The 10:30 service will continue to be livestreamed every Sunday and is easily accessed at

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Stephanie, Sr. Warden John Oldham, or Jr. Warden Bill Sena.

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