Julian McKimmon
My wife, Tracy and I and our two boys, Owen and Ryan, began coming to Nativity in 2015. Owen is now a freshman at Millbrook High and was confirmed last month. Ryan recently joined the NC Army National Guard and just graduated from basic training at Fort Sill, OK. I currently work from home, underwriting residential mortgages. During my free time I enjoy cooking, being outdoors, watching/playing sports and having a good laugh! I’m originally from Decatur, AL where I was baptized at St. John’s Episcopal Church. With the exception of a few years in my early 20s, I have always found a church home because the community is so important. I have spent a few years here at Nativity teaching Sunday school and occasionally read a lesson during service. I served a three-year term on the Vestry at another Episcopal church prior to joining Nativity so I know the level of commitment that it takes. I’m excited to continue my faith journey with you here at Nativity and grateful that I’m a part of such a loving church family.

George Douglas
My wife, Megan, and I moved to Raleigh in 2001 from Budapest, Hungary where we had spent four years on a work assignment for Time Warner and was transferred to Raleigh. We had lived in five different states prior to overseas but were delighted to come to NC and find Nativity (we have attended Episcopal/Anglican churches everywhere we’ve lived). Since 2001 I have been involved in a number of different projects at Nativity including a previous Vestry term (2004-2006), Outreach, adult education, social justice, 2017 capital campaign, Stephen Ministry and bell choir. I retired in 2010 and have also been involved with the NC Radio Reading Service (for blind and visually impaired), the State Library for the Blind, hospital chaplaincy at WakeMed and announcing for WCPE, The Classical Station. Megan and I have two children living in Raleigh (Matt and Heather) and four grandchildren (Maeve, George, Jude and River). It has been great to have our family all in one place. I am excited to serve another term on the Vestry.

Perry Suk
My family joined the Church of the Nativity over 20 years ago. As true Episcopalians, my husband Bill and I immediately joined the Foyer dining/fellowship groups, where we met lots of wonderful folks and ate some delicious dishes! Early on, Bill joined the Vestry, while I co-taught the first Rite-13 group and played on the church softball team. Our kids, Annie and Will, took part in the youth programs, the pancake dinners, and the Rite-13 celebrations. Before retiring a few years ago, I taught science lab to preschool and elementary students, some of whose families are at Nativity, and I volunteered in a variety of children’s programs at the Museum of Natural Sciences. Prior to the unwelcome arrival of Covid, Bill and I enjoyed global traveling, and we look forward to those days again! To cope with these past two years, I have been weaving, knitting, playing tennis, and yes, eating whatever my husband cooks! I am excited about the opportunity to serve on the Vestry and to contribute toward the inner workings of this amazing faith community.

Allison Martin
This will be my second time serving on the Vestry. I feel I owe so much to the people of Nativity over the years. My three children were raised here and we coordinated the family dinner group for many years. I look forward to learning more about what is happening.
2 replies on “New 2022 Vestry Members”
My wife and I donated several large framed prints to The Church of the Nativity many years ago. Some were portrayals were of the nativity of Jesus and some had to do with Noah and the Ark. Could you tell me if they are still hanging in the church and if so could you email me some photos?
Hi Chuck, Yes – they are still in Estill House and we enjoy them every day.
I will take photos next time I am in Estill House. There is one photo already on this page: https://old.nativityonline.org/nativity-home/church-life/music-and-art/
Thanks, Alfred