Babies, children, and adults are welcomed into the household of God through the sacrament of baptism. Baptisms occur on specially designated Sundays in the church year during the Sunday morning 10:30am service.
Formation and education are provided for parents, godparents (or sponsors), child candidates, and adult candidates.
To schedule a baptism, please contact the Rev. Stephanie Yancy. Email The Rev. Stephanie Yancy
Confirmation and Reception
As we grow, our faith changes. The rites of Confirmation and Reception are liturgies for young people ready to make an adult affirmation of faith or adults who are ready to commit their faith to the Episcopal Church.
This service includes a reaffirmation of the Baptismal vows and the laying on of hands by the Bishop.
Preparation for this rite is held on a regular basis for both adults and young people.
For more information, contact the Rev. Stephanie Yancy. Email The Rev. Stephanie Yancy
Rites of Passage
Confirmation is one marker of the road to adulthood, but we recognize that many milestones in faith development occur during the adolescent years.
Through our youth program, rituals such as the Rites of Passage ceremony celebrate our young people as they reach their teen years.
For more information, contact our Jeremy Clos, Lay Associate for Christian Formation. Email Jeremy Clos
The Episcopal Church celebrates and blesses the faithful, committed relationships of couples who wish to be married in the church. ALL couples are welcome to be married at Church of the Nativity.
The clergy provide three to four sessions of pre-marital counseling and consultation of the rite using either the Book of Common Prayer or the supplemental resources from I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing.
To discuss and plan your wedding, please contact The Rev. Stephanie Yancy. Email The Rev. Stephanie Yancy
Christian Burial is a rite characterized by joy. While we mourn, we also celebrate the hope of the resurrection.
When a member of the church family dies, please contact the clergy so that we may assist in offering pastoral care, prayers and making arrangements for the Burial service. Members are encouraged to keep their funeral plans and pre-arrangements on file with the church office.
Please contact The Rev. Stephanie Yancy for more information. Email The Rev. Stephanie Yancy
Memorial Garden
Church of the Nativity has set aside a Memorial Garden as a final resting place for members and others with ties to Nativity.
Ashes are interred in a biodegradable container, no container at all, or scattered.
Markers are small and of natural stone in keeping with the simplicity of the Garden. Interment or scattering of ashes in the Memorial Garden requires a Memorial Garden Registry and Agreement Form.
Consult the Memorial Garden Policy for further details.