Glad Tidings

Nativity Field Trip!

Nativity Field Trip!

Join Fellow Nativity Members for a walking tour in Durham, April 27, 10am-11:30am followed by an optional lunch.  The title of the tour is “Pauli’s Durham: History of Racial Segregation in the West End Neighborhood”, and will focus on the significance of Black Civil War soldiers, the Freedman Schools movement, unsung shero Pauli Murray – her multi-racial ancestry and heritage, and Pauli’s long history of relentless activism.  One of the first African American woman Episcopal priest in North Carolina (and one of the first women priests in the US) as well as an unsung force for social justice, Pauli Murray was recently named to the Episcopal sainthood.  Tickets are available at the link below.  If you have questions, Email Becky Showalter

Link for tickets: