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Latest 50 Blog Posts From Nativity

  • Rev. Grey Maggiano Called as Rector
    by Beth Crow, Chair of the Search Committee; and George Douglas, Senior Warden George Douglas, Senior Warden, and Beth Crow, Chair of the Search Committee, announced that the Rev. Grey Maggiano has been called as Rector of the Church of the Nativity. Grey sends his greetings to Church of the Nativity, and excited about joining us in a few weeks. In addition to this video, you can also watch a… Read more: Rev. Grey Maggiano Called as Rector
  • Hearing Aid Assist Technologies at Nativity
    There are two hearing aid technologies available to use in the Nave of Church of the Nativity. Radio Frequency (RF) transmission (aka as T-Coil) Radio Frequency (RF) transmission (aka as T-Coil) to a “Listen” device (RF signal receiver) that enables use of T-coil connectivity in the hearing aid. The Nativity system uses the 42 MHz range. Listen devices are in the charging box on the table below the TV monitor.… Read more: Hearing Aid Assist Technologies at Nativity
  • June 20 Transition Update
    The Search Committee has given the Vestry their recommendation for the next Rector of Church of the Nativity. The Vestry will be setting up a time to meet and interview this candidate very soon.
  • Youth Pilgrimage to Wilmington
    by Jeremy Clos On Thursday, June 13 fourteen of our high school youth and their adult chaperones departed for Wilmington, NC. This pilgrimage promises to be a transformative journey, filled with opportunities for learning, reflection, and fellowship. Our journey begins on Thursday, where we will delve into the complex history of chattel slavery in the United States. Our first stop will be the Bellamy Mansion, a historic landmark that offers… Read more: Youth Pilgrimage to Wilmington
  • May 30 Transition Update
    The Search Committee has been busy meeting and conducting Zoom interviews with many interested priests. We very much enjoyed everyone we interviewed and had the difficult task of narrowing our selection to those we will invite to Raleigh for in-person interviews. We are now in the process of scheduling these interviews which will take place over the coming weeks. Our next update will be when the in-person interviews have concluded. … Read more: May 30 Transition Update
  • New Creation Care Leadership
    Steve Dearth and Sherry Hedrick Recently Carl Sigel, the inspiration and main driver of Nativity’s Creation Care initiatives, decided to move to a mentorship role in this mission, one that, under his leadership, has been impactful throughout the diocese and beyond. Enter Steve Dearth and Sherry Hedrick, longtime Raleigh residents who have been attending Nativity for about a year and a half. According to Steve, “We feel strongly that proper… Read more: New Creation Care Leadership
  • Nativity Supports Haiti Reforestation Project
    (left to right: Becky Christian, Becky Showalter, Michael Anello, Jill Staton-Bullard) Last Sunday, April 28, Nativity presented a $1,000 check to Michael Anello, Executive Director of Haiti Reforestation Partnership. Three of our members (pictured here) are or have been leaders with this unique and successful economic development project in one of the poorest, most unstable countries in the world. During this year’s Week of Giving, individuals in the church community… Read more: Nativity Supports Haiti Reforestation Project
  • May 2 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met on Wednesday, May 1, to review and discuss the applicant files we received from the Diocese. We have many interested applicants, and we are excited to begin the interview process. Over the coming weeks, we will be conducting Zoom interviews with applicants. During that time, we will not be sending out transition updates. Our next update will be when the Zoom interviews have concluded and we… Read more: May 2 Transition Update
  • April 25 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met on Wednesday, April 24, and continues to prepare interview questions and calendar potential dates for Zoom and in-person interviews of interested priests. Please continue to inform interested candidates that our Parish Portfolio is available, and we are receiving names until April 28, 2024. Next Steps: Communication Need more details about the search process? More information can be found on Nativity’s Clergy Transition Page. Have a question for… Read more: April 25 Transition Update
  • Caregivers Support Group
    The Caregivers Support Group meets on the second and fourth Sundays of each month after the 10:30 service in Room 202 of Curry Hall.  There is no one type of caregiving. Some care for a spouse, parent, a child (young or adult), a grandchild, another loved one, or a friend. Some give care day to day in person; others do so long distance. Some are giving care for a short… Read more: Caregivers Support Group
  • April 18 Transition Update
    April 18, 2024, Transition Update  The Search Committee met on Wednesday, April 10, and is in the process of preparing interview questions and calendaring potential dates for Zoom and in-person interviews of interested priests. Please continue to inform interested candidates that our Parish Portfolio is available, and we are receiving names until April 28, 2024.   Next Steps:  Communication  Need more details about the search process? More information can be found on… Read more: April 18 Transition Update
  • April 11 Transition Update
    On Wednesday, April 3, the Search Committee met to discuss the next steps in the search process with Canon Catherine Massey. Through the end of this month, the committee will meet to prepare interview questions for Zoom and in-person interviews of interested candidates. We will receive the names and files of interested priests on April 29, and the discernment phase of the search process will begin. Zoom interviews will be scheduled… Read more: April 11 Transition Update
  • Easter Thank You from the Vestry
    What a busy and glorious Holy Week at Nativity! The Vestry would like to thank everyone who gave their time, talent, and heartfelt touches to each and every service. Stephanie, Cathy, Phillip, and Jeremy delivered some amazing sermons, shared some great children’s homilies (and crafts), and presided over some beautiful baptisms! Bradley provided some poignant music and inspired the choir to work their vocal cords overtime, resulting in lovely psalms,… Read more: Easter Thank You from the Vestry
  • April 4 Transition Update
    On Wednesday, April 3, the Search Committee met and discussed the next steps in the search process with Canon Catherine Massey. Please continue to spread the word to interested candidates that our Parish Portfolio has been posted and we are receiving names through April 28, 2024.    Next Steps:  Communication  Need more details about the search process? More information can be found on Nativity’s Clergy Transition Page.  Have a question for the… Read more: April 4 Transition Update
  • March 28 Transition Update
    On Wednesday, April 3, the Search Committee will meet and discuss the next steps in the search process with Canon Catherine Massey. Please continue to spread the word to interested candidates that our Parish Portfolio has been posted and we are receiving names through April 28, 2024.    Next Steps:  Communication  Need more details about the search process? More information can be found on Nativity’s Clergy Transition Page.  Have a question for… Read more: March 28 Transition Update
  • March 21 Transition Update
    Please continue to spread the word to potential candidates that our Parish Portfolio has been posted and we are receiving names through April 28, 2024.    Next Steps:  Communication  Need more details about the search process? More information can be found on Nativity’s Clergy Transition Page.  Have a question for the Search Committee? Please ask it here. 
  • March 14 Transition Update
    The Parish Profile has been finalized and posted! Last week, the Search Committee presented the final portfolio for Vestry approval.  We then submitted the portfolio to the diocese and, on Monday, March 11, the portfolio was posted. We will be receiving names through Sunday, April 28.  The committee also wanted to share the word cloud below which represents the themes that emerged when we answered the question: What makes a… Read more: March 14 Transition Update
  • March 8 Transition Update
    The Search Committee finalized the initial draft of the Parish Portfolio last week and shared it with the Vestry. After the Vestry provided comments, we reviewed them during our March 6, 2024 meeting. Currently, we are actively revising the document, and upon completion, we will submit it to the Vestry for approval.  The committee wanted to share the word cloud below which represents the themes that emerged when we answered… Read more: March 8 Transition Update
  • March 1 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met on February 22, 2024 to continue their work on the Parish Portfolio. We are making great progress and are close to completion. Our next step will be to present it to the Vestry. Once we receive the Vestry’s comments, we will finalize the Parish Portfolio for their final approval.  The committee wanted to share the word cloud below which represents words parishioners used to respond to… Read more: March 1 Transition Update
  • Spring 2024 CSA
    by Carl Sigel Since Nativity’s earliest days, one of the cornerstones of our mission has been to explore how we grow, eat, and share food. In 2021, Nativity partnered with nine other Raleigh congregations in a program to support our local Black farmers. The program, called Farm to Church Community Supported Agriculture or CSA, was launched by the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA).  CSAs have become a popular way for… Read more: Spring 2024 CSA
  • February 23 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met on February 15, 2024 to continue their work on the Parish Portfolio. The committee will continue to meet weekly until its completion. The committee also updated the Vestry on its work during the Vestry’s meeting on February 20.  The committee wanted to share the word cloud below which represents the most popular words parishioners used to respond to the following statement: Name the three things you… Read more: February 23 Transition Update
  • February 16 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met on February 7, 2024 to begin their work on the Parish Portfolio. During the preparation process, the committee thought it would be fun to share word clouds generated from the questions posed to the congregation during the February 4 congregational meeting. The word cloud below represents the most popular words Nativity used to answer the question: Remember a moment that was a high point, when you… Read more: February 16 Transition Update
  • Lent Q&A 2024: Week 1
    Following the success of last year’s Episcopal 101 offering, we are holding a similar Q&A series this Lent, where you can ask all of your lingering questions regarding being an Episcopalian, our church practice, etc. To ask a question, fill out this Google Form, and you will receive a response via a blog post or short video.  This week’s answer comes from Jeremy Clos, Lay Associate for Christian Formation. Why… Read more: Lent Q&A 2024: Week 1
  • Fire and Freedom: Summer Youth Pilgrimage 
    by Jeremy Clos I am thrilled to extend an invitation to all high school students to join our upcoming Youth Pilgrimage to Wilmington, NC, scheduled for June. This pilgrimage promises to be a transformative journey of discovery, camaraderie, and spiritual enrichment. We eagerly anticipate your participation and look forward to embarking on this meaningful adventure together. Important Dates to Note: Key Trip Information: Trip Highlights: Our Youth Pilgrimage aims to… Read more: Fire and Freedom: Summer Youth Pilgrimage 
  • February 9 Transition Update
    On Sunday, February 4, Nativity had a productive and well-attended congregational meeting to collect important and needed information for the preparation of our Parish Portfolio. We also heard from many who were unable to attend via a questionnaire that was sent out after the meeting concluded. The Search Committee is so grateful to all who participated in this process. We very much value your input!  The Search Committee collected and… Read more: February 9 Transition Update
  • 2024 Habitat EpiscoBuild Kickoff
    by Joe Ward February 24 is the kickoff day for the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Episcopal Build. On Saturday, February 24, volunteers from the Episcopal churches will join forces to assemble walls for two homes and stand walls on one house. Volunteers are needed for either the 8;30 wall build for the first house or 10:30 wall build for the second house. Lunch will be provided. You can register online. … Read more: 2024 Habitat EpiscoBuild Kickoff
  • Foyer Groups at Nativity
    by Ailsa Tessier We know it as Foyer at Nativity, but where did this name come from? We understand that the idea of foyer gatherings began after the bombing of Coventry Cathedral during World War II. The cathedral’s Provost made a commitment to not seek revenge, but to strive for forgiveness and reconciliation with those responsible. Out of that commitment came community meetings, where people worked together to find common… Read more: Foyer Groups at Nativity
  • Farewell from Cuyler O’Connor
    Cuyler O’Connor was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on January 27, 2024. With that ordination comes a move for Cuyler to a different parish, as he is called to serve where needed. This is a bittersweet moment for Nativity, as we celebrate his journey but also know that we will miss him. Cuyler shares the following note: When I started this diaconal process, I never thought about the… Read more: Farewell from Cuyler O’Connor
  • January 26 Transition Update
    The Search Committee met with Canon Catherine Massey of the Diocese on January 18 to discuss the next steps in the transition process. The immediate next step — and perhaps the most important — is determining what qualities our parishioners would like to see in our new Rector. We would like to ask for your help by attending a special congregational meeting at Nativity at 10:30 am on February 4.… Read more: January 26 Transition Update
  • A Response to the Pastoral Letter
    by Chuck Till The first Bishop of the newly formed Diocese of North Carolina, John Stark Ravenscroft – the namesake of Ravenscroft School in Raleigh – was an enslaver. After he became a member of the clergy, he emancipated many of his enslaved persons but not all. The second Bishop of the Diocese, Levi Stillman Ives, defended the institution of slavery even as he encouraged his white parishioners to attend… Read more: A Response to the Pastoral Letter
  • It’s Time to Vote!
    by Bridget Knapp Wait a minute! I thought the election wasn’t until November 5? Yes, but that’s the general election. There’s lots to do before then, like vote in the primary election on March 5, where we decide which candidates we should vote for in the general election. (Take a look at the election calendar). In the primary election, eligible voters affiliated with any political party are allowed to vote… Read more: It’s Time to Vote!
  • Contacting Our Interims
    This post was last updated on January 18, 2024 From Stephanie Yancy: Some of you have asked how to reach me. You can reach me via email through the link at the bottom of this blog post and via the staff page of the website. You may also call me on the office phone: 919-846-8338. If you leave a general message, Bradley will see that I get it. If your… Read more: Contacting Our Interims
  • December 29 Transition Update
    This is your Vestry’s final update for 2023 and my last as your Senior Warden. Beginning January 1, George Douglas will be Nativity’s Senior Warden, and Dave McKinnon the Junior Warden. I know I speak for Bill Sena, the 2022–23 Junior Warden, and Anne Krouse, the other Vestry member rotating off the end of this year, when I say what a privilege it has been to serve you and the… Read more: December 29 Transition Update
  • New Book Study: The Wisdom Way of Knowing
    Reverend Nancy Titus and Jeremy Clos will offer a book study of Cynthia Bourgeault’s The Wisdom Way of Knowing: Reclaiming an Ancient Tradition to Awaken the Heart beginning on January 24. The book is available through major retailers for about $20. The study will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 pm via Zoom and continue through one chapter a week for eight weeks. Sign up here to receive… Read more: New Book Study: The Wisdom Way of Knowing
  • December 22 Transition Update
    Our message this week comes from our Co-Interim Rectors, The Rev. Stephanie Yancy and Dr. Rev. Cathy Deats. The Vestry would like to wish each and everyone of you and your families a very Merry Christmas! Dear Friends at Nativity, I am so pleased that your vestry has called The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats and me to be your co-interim rectors! I loved my time with you a year ago… Read more: December 22 Transition Update
  • Farewell to Helen
    Sunday, December 31 will be Helen Moses’ last official day at Nativity. We have so loved having her as our Priest Intern, and have appreciated all the many ways that she has been involved in the life of our parish: she has preached sermons, taught classes, she will be singing in some of our Christmas and Advent services, and much, much more. We will miss her greatly! We wish her… Read more: Farewell to Helen
  • December 15 Transition Update
    It is with great joy that we, the Vestry of Church of the Nativity, announce that we have called our Interim Priests. Yes, you read that correctly: priests.  The Rev. Stephanie Yancy and The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats will share the Interim position, with Stephanie serving ¾ time and Cathy ¼ time. They will begin the first of the new year. More details about their shared position will come next… Read more: December 15 Transition Update
  • New Vestry Profile: Sam Wesonga
    I was born and raised in Uganda, Africa as the only child of an Anglican Priest who later became Bishop. I attended Indiana University, Bloomington for my undergraduate degree and medical school in Indianapolis. I completed my residence in Family Medicine in Kalamazoo, MI. That is where I met my wife Tracey. We have been married for 34 years and have 2 wonderful children. Erika who lives in Baltimore, and… Read more: New Vestry Profile: Sam Wesonga
  • Week of Giving 2023: A Huge Success
    Thanks to you, members of Nativity, our annual Week of Giving and Day of Giving was — once again — a wonderful success. Because of your generous hearts, the 15 nonprofit ministries that participated received a grand total of over $22,900. That is simply outstanding. Your money supports local ministries such as Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, the Episcopal Campus Ministry, the Farm Workers Ministry, Habitat for Humanity of Wake County, Interfaith… Read more: Week of Giving 2023: A Huge Success
  • December 8 Transition Update
    The Vestry is in the final stage of selecting our Interim Rector and will make an announcement as soon as all legal procedures are completed. As stated last week, the Vestry will meet on December 12 to approve the selection of Search Committee members; that list will be shared once all parties have accepted their nominations.
  • New Vestry Profile: Yvette Smith
    Yvette is a lifelong Episcopalian, who grew up in Long Island, NY. She attended St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Harlem, where her father has been serving as the Deacon for over 25 years. From an early age, Yvette has been involved in the church as a Junior Daughter of King and a Daughter of King; on most Sundays she could be found serving as an acolyte, singing in the youth… Read more: New Vestry Profile: Yvette Smith
  • Meet Our New Nursery Attendant: Eva
    Eva Warren is a preschool teacher at North Raleigh United Methodist Church and has been in the early childhood education field for the last 17 years. She graduated from NC State, is a mom to four boys aged 10–16, and a dog mom of two. She spends her free time reading, and taking walks outside and playing games with her boys. Welcome, Eva!
  • December 1 Transition Update
    The Vestry met Tuesday evening, November 28, to begin interviewing candidates for the Interim Rector position. The Search Committee Chair, Beth Crow, and the Junior Warden, Bill Sena, are reviewing Vestry members’ input on possible members for the Search Committee. The Vestry will vote on the final list at their next Vestry meeting on December 12.
  • New Vestry Profile: Dave McKinnon
    I was born and raised in the Montreal, Canada area. We were raised in the Anglican church, St. Barnabas, where all of us McKinnons served either in the choir or as crucifers, as well as youth groups. I earned a B.A.SC in industrial engineering and then went to work for a large telecommunications manufacturer. They transferred me to North Carolina, where I met my beautiful wife Becky; we have been married for 44… Read more: New Vestry Profile: Dave McKinnon
  • November 24 Transition Update
    The Vestry voted through email this past week and elected Beth Crow to serve as Chair of the Search Committee. Since Beth is currently serving as Senior Warden, the Diocese recommends that the Junior Warden, Bill Sena, work with the newly elected Chair to select the remaining members of the Search Committee. The Vestry will then vote on the proposed committee members at their December 12 meeting. We have also… Read more: November 24 Transition Update
  • New Vestry Profile: Hannah Harris
    Hannah Harris grew up at Nativity, after joining with her family in the mid-1990’s. She served as a pre-school Sunday School teacher while in high school, then took a brief break from Nativity while she was away from Raleigh during college and just after graduation. When she returned to Raleigh, she returned as a Sunday School teacher and volunteered in that capacity until March 2020. Outside of Nativity, Hannah is very… Read more: New Vestry Profile: Hannah Harris
  • November 17 Transition Update
    During our November 14 Vestry meeting, the Vestry reviewed the list of Search Committee candidates with the intention of selecting a Chair. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, a quorum was not present, so the vote had to be delayed. The Vestry will vote by email over the next week and the name of the Chair will be announced once that process is complete. After the Chair is selected, s/he will… Read more: November 17 Transition Update
  • Christmas Flowers 2023
    by Ailsa Tessier Our Flower Guild will be working on some new ideas to decorate the church for Christmas this year. Instead of purchasing ready-made garlands, we’d like to make our own from magnolia leaves. (After all, we’re in the South, and nothing is more Southern than magnolia!) To that end, we ask that you let us know if you have a particular type of magnolia in your yard —… Read more: Christmas Flowers 2023
  • November 10 Transition Update
    Nativity’s first week during this transitional period went very smoothly. We had good attendance for both services this Sunday, November 5, including two baptisms. It was also heart-warming to see and hear a larger-than-usual choir, including one of the youngest members ever: Zuzu Booth.  The Senior and Junior Wardens are working on the presentation for Nativity’s Annual Meeting which will be held this Sunday, November 12, from 9:30–10:15 am in… Read more: November 10 Transition Update
  • November 3 Transition Update
    While choosing leadership for a church is similar to secular search processes in some ways, it is also vastly different. It is a spiritual process. It is a prime time for renewal in the congregation. It is a time when new leadership comes forth and new connections are made with the bishop and the wider diocesan community. It is also a time to review and restate the hopes and dreams… Read more: November 3 Transition Update