From the Clergy

July Update

As the numbers of hospitalizations and positive Covid-19 test percentages increase in our state, the Diocese of North Carolina will not be moving into phase 2 of the reopening plan at the beginning of July as had been expected. Phase 1 will continue as we have been. Our Bishops are making some slight changes to phase 1 that will include an option for some limited outdoor worship opportunities, and I anticipate news about that in the next week or so.

What does that mean for Nativity?

We will continue our pre-recorded online worship offerings at 10:30am on Sundays, and 6:30pm on Wednesdays. We will be taking a break from the Wednesday night organ meditations at 6:15 for July and August. There will still be an organ prelude and other music in that service. Both services will “premier” on Facebook each week, allowing for you all to join the service at the same time, comment and share with one another, while remaining at home. (And in your pajamas, drinking your coffee, I know!) We will continue to hold meetings and gatherings via Zoom for the time being.

When we receive more direction about gathering outside, we will be trying a few services of Compline out under the big tree. This will give us a chance to try out what it looks like for folks to sign up in advance to attend services, what exactly ushers and other support volunteers will need, and what does it feel like to worship when everyone is six feet apart and wearing masks.

There will also be additional instruction from the Bishops on how we might celebrate and share Holy Communion in a safe way. This too will be something we will need to experiment with and try a few options to know what is right for Nativity.

As your priest, I wrestle with a few things. On the one hand, I know it is important for church to be something that is a constant, something you can count on, a place that feels secure. I feel we need that assurance more than ever as we navigate the collective anxiety experienced during this pandemic. On the other hand, all our ways of traditionally worshipping together are not safe for us, so a certain amount of experimentation and change is going to be necessary for a good long while. The only way forward is to continue to do the best we can in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, and to keep praying. I trust that God will see us through this time.

Keep praying for each other and checking in on each other. Think about those folks who sat in the pews near you way back in February, and give them a call.