From the Clergy

Good Company

Now on that same day two of Jesus’ disciples were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. Luke 24:13

If you aren’t seeing the risen Lord in the midst of this, you are in good company.

What was going on in the disciples’ brains after the experience of the empty tomb? I know we can’t really create a psychological profile based on the scant evidence of the narrative of the Scripture, but I wonder how many of them were in a constant panic attack. How many were reacting by keeping things as “normal” as possible? Is it safe to assume that they all were experiencing trauma? Certainly, they were all experiencing both grief and fear.

If there was anxiety, if there was fear, if there was grief, then of course they didn’t recognize the risen Lord as they walked along the road to Emmaus. It is a wonder they remembered the way to their destination at all.

Our brains don’t work the same way in times of trauma as they do at other times. It is important to remember that right now if you feel consumed by anxiety around the coronavirus. There is so much uncertainty, so much unknown. How can we possible plan for the future when so much is unknown?

There are blessings to be found at this time of uncertainty, but if you can’t see them right now, that is okay. You are in good company.

If you aren’t seeing the risen Lord during our time of quarantine, despite the Easter season, you are in good company.

If you are having trouble recognizing familiar touchstones, familiar places, or even the simplest detail, you are in good company!

Remember, once they are sitting around the table, having invited this stranger to eat with them, their eyes are opened and they see Jesus, their friend, their companion, their savior. Perhaps we too, as we attend to the seemingly simple needs of our life, eating, resting, praying, that is when we too will see that the Lord Christ Jesus is indeed in the midst of us. He is in the midst of this pandemic. He sits with you, and he sits with me.

If you can’t see it right now, and need to take my word for it, don’t worry: you are in good company.