Glad Tidings

Farewell from Cuyler O’Connor

Cuyler O’Connor was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on January 27, 2024. With that ordination comes a move for Cuyler to a different parish, as he is called to serve where needed. This is a bittersweet moment for Nativity, as we celebrate his journey but also know that we will miss him. Cuyler shares the following note:

When I started this diaconal process, I never thought about the process of discernment. We all do it, but we may not realize it. Through discernment, I have found that to be a deacon truly is my calling, but it is not about “me” it is about “we.”  Many things remind me of the power of “we.” Certainly, for my spiritual formation, Nativity is a key element or building block around this discernment process. My spiritual director once told me, “Cuyler, there is always more,” and this is so true. There is always more in the relationships “we” develop, the community “we” serve, and how “we” love and embrace God. I will move to my next step in this journey. Things sometimes unfold where “we” see it was there all along. “We” are just flawed humans and do not notice, but that is the beauty and grace of it all.

In Japan there is a traditional method of breaking pottery and repairing the broken joints with gold or silver powder (urushi) and this method is called kintsugi. The pottery continues to be used and is quite stunning in appearance. I wonder if maybe “we” all must break ourselves to find something lovely and new.

My new placement and journey will be at La Iglesia El Buen Pastor in Durham. After discernment with the Bishops and meeting with Father Medina, this seems like a great fit.  I know it will come with challenges but Nativity has prepared me well.

I want to thank everyone at Nativity for all the times we have had together in fellowship and more importantly in the space of love from Jesus. If there is one thing I have learned going through this process, it is not to take myself so seriously, have a sense of humor, and let go. Whenever I tell people of my home church faith family I do it with a “robust” NATIVITY and a smile. I see Jesucristo (Jesus Chist) in all of you, thanks for raising me in such a loving community.

We are one in whom Christ dwells and delights. We live in the strong and unshakable kingdom of God. The kingdom is not in trouble, and neither are we.

Blessings my friends.

Deacon Cuyler+

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