Glad Tidings

Evening Prayer

It gladdens my heart to announce that we will begin to meet together for Evening Prayer beginning on November 11 in the Nave of the church. Following the Bishops’ guidelines, a limit of 25 people in attendance applies. Signing up to attend this service will work in the same way as signing up to attend an outdoor Eucharist. Of course, social distancing and mask-wearing are also necessary for the safety of everyone.

When we began our customary Evening Prayer series for the season of Lent, I had no inkling of what was about to befall us. But we’ve continued to meet together online, and pray, supporting one another and holding the community in prayer as we have weathered these strange and unsettling seven months. The rhythm of praying together, even virtually, has borne up my spirit in these troubling days.

Evening Prayer will still be live streamed on Wednesday evenings, so if you aren’t yet comfortable being in the Nave for a service, you won’t be left out.  We will begin with a live stream on Facebook and hope to start a companion live stream on YouTube as soon as possible. In the meantime, the service will be uploaded to YouTube later that evening.

We will move through these waning days of Ordinary Time together in prayer, and begin a new church year meeting through the season of Advent.  The final Evening Prayer service of the year will be held on December 23.  After this, we will allow the service to rest and resume in the season of Lent on the Wednesday following Ash Wednesday.

Pax Christi,
Jeremy Clos