by Matt Chytka

“So, have you ever thought about joining EFM?” It was fellowship hour after church, and Carl Sigel and I were chatting in Corlett Hall. I responded, “I’m not familiar with it, what is EFM?” I don’t remember Carl’s exact words after that, but I left the conversation with my interest piqued.
It was piqued enough to find myself in class a few months later, with a group of other like-minded souls, who have become dear friends and trusted confidants over the past few years.
EFM stands for Education for Ministry. It is based on the concept we are all called to minister to each other, friend and stranger, during the course of our daily lives. EFM takes you on a four-year adventure/pilgrimage that includes our bible (Old and New Testament), theologies, religious history, (both Christian and non-Christian), and books on a wide range of religious and spiritual topics.
If it sounds like a lot, well, it can be, if you were trying to do it alone. EFM meets as a cohort (class), once a week. You provide your input and insight and receive gigs of input and insight back from your mentors and classmates. If you get overwhelmed in one week and don’t cover all the material, it’s okay. Come to class, hear your cohort’s thoughts and opinions (and there will be many), and pick up on the next week’s topics. There are no tests or grades, but lots of learning occurs in this program. And if a four-year commitment seems daunting, it may help you to know that you sign up year-by-year. If you need to take a break between years, you can.
In addition to enhancing your personal understanding of religion and faith, the biggest reason I
recommend EFM is the fellowship, friendship, and love that grows within your cohort. You will bond and forge relationships like no other with your classmates. You will lift them up when they need it, and you will find yourself lifted as well.
If you are interested, contact our EFM mentor, Jeremy Clos. Class starts in the fall, registration will start soon.
I don’t use this phrase lightly–EFM is a life-changing program, I hope you, too, will give it a try.
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