Children and Youth

Children’s Formation

It will be so exciting to see our kids back in Curry Hall on Sunday mornings! Children’s formation time will start on Sunday, September 11. We will meet at 9:15 am in Curry Hall aka the Education Building.

Rev. Stephanie has found a fun, colorful, creative way for our kids to enter into the story of scripture. During most of our Sunday morning meeting times, we will be using “Storymakers,” a ‘zine that focuses on a story in scripture and helps young ones engage with the story and use their imaginations. 

Our pre-readers will hear the story using puppets and story. We will also spend time teaching them the basics of our faith – the Faith Guide for Littles. This series covers the Ten Rules, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Signs of Grace.

Our readers will all receive their own ‘zine. In the fall and during Epiphany, we will focus on the story of the Exodus, and then we will have a new ‘zine for Lent, and another for Easter. Each ‘zine is fun, colorful, and creative. The young people tell the story, teachers help fill in the story with “Field Notes,” and then the children spend time responding to the emotional and spiritual connections in the story, and finish with time to play with art supplies – coloring, painting, drawing, comics, play dough – any medium they chose to help tell the story.

To see examples of the different ‘zines, called Adventures, click here. Rev. Stephanie will also have a sample available at church for you to see.

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