Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

November 10 Transition Update

Nativity’s first week during this transitional period went very smoothly. We had good attendance for both services this Sunday, November 5, including two baptisms. It was also heart-warming to see and hear a larger-than-usual choir, including one of the youngest members ever: Zuzu Booth. 

The Senior and Junior Wardens are working on the presentation for Nativity’s Annual Meeting which will be held this Sunday, November 12, from 9:30–10:15 am in the Nave.  We also will be voting in five new Vestry members at this time, in addition to recognizing those whose terms are ending. We hope to see you there!

The Vestry is currently waiting for the Diocese to send a list of possible interim rectors; we will keep you updated as we learn more. On Tuesday, November 14, the Vestry will be selecting the Chair of the Search Committee. The Senior Warden and Chair will then meet to prayerfully discern the 8–10 parishioners they will recommend to the Vestry to serve on the committee. The goal is to have the Search Committee formed by mid-December. If you would like to be considered, or nominate someone for the Search Committee, please let the Vestry know by submitting your or your nominee’s name to Beth Crow, Senior Warden, no later than Monday, November 13. Email Senior Warden

Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

November 3 Transition Update

While choosing leadership for a church is similar to secular search processes in some ways, it is also vastly different. It is a spiritual process. It is a prime time for renewal in the congregation. It is a time when new leadership comes forth and new connections are made with the bishop and the wider diocesan community. It is also a time to review and restate the hopes and dreams of the parish.

Gary Gleason 

The process for calling a new rector is an important time and should be carried out prayerfully and with due care. We fully trust that God is at work and will help us discern a new rector for Nativity. 

Traditional Transition Process & Formation of Search Committee 

Nativity’s Vestry is charged with the responsibility for the call of our new rector. As previously mentioned, the Vestry met in mid-October with Bishop Sam Rodman and Canon Catherine Massey. The Vestry has discerned, with their guidance, that Nativity will conduct a Traditional Transition search in choosing our new rector. As part of this process, the Vestry will call a Search Committee and delegate portions of the search process to them. While it is the Vestry’s responsibility to call the next rector, the Search Committee will carry out the search. Ideally, this committee will be comprised of 8–10 parishioners, where approximately a third of those will be current Vestry members. 

The Vestry is currently seeking nominations of parishioners who wish to be considered for the Search Committee. The goal is to have the committee formed by mid-December. We are looking for members who feel called to — and have sufficient time, energy and resources to commit to — this work. The committee’s main tasks will be (1) conducting, with parishioners’ help, a self-assessment of Nativity, (2) putting together a written community portfolio (e.g., Nativity’s demographics, compensation, history, challenges, and vision for the future), (3) conducting discernment conversations with various priests, and (4) discerning one candidate to present to the Vestry. The Search Committee will work closely with the Diocese in this work. 

Serving on the Search Committee is an incredible way to serve Nativity. However, it will require a large time commitment from each member. We ask that individuals pray about their decision before they put their or others’ names up for consideration. If you would like to be considered, or nominate someone for the Search Committee, please let the Vestry know by submitting your or your nominee’s name to Beth Crow, Senior Warden (, no later than Monday, November 13. 

Please be assured that there will be an opportunity for all Parishioners’ voices to be heard, even if they are not serving on the Search Committee. 

Interim Rector 

Nativity has clergy scheduled for Sunday worship through the end of December. The Vestry will work with the Diocese to call an Interim Rector who will serve until a new Rector is called. The Diocese has already heard from several clergy interested in possibly serving Nativity in this role. 

Frequent, Open and Transparent Communication & Parishioners’ Questions 

The Vestry will communicate openly and regularly about the transition process. We will have a weekly update in Glad Tidings which will also then be posted on the Clergy Transition page on Nativity’s Website. We also invite parishioners to submit any questions they may have about the process to the Vestry using this Google Form.

From the Vestry

Farewell to Stephanie

Last Sunday, October 29, Stephanie delivered her last sermon as Rector of Nativity, receiving a standing ovation from the congregation. During the service, Stephanie led us through the Ending a Pastoral Relationship and Leave-taking from a Congregation liturgy, at which time she returned to the Vestry such items as the church keys, the parish register book and the Eucharist Elements.

Following the 10:30 service, all gathered in Corlett Hall for a celebration which included a delicious lunch and special presentations by Nativity’s choir and Vestry. 

Thank you to all who joined us! We appreciate those who helped with the setup and cleanup, and to all who contributed food and drinks. The Vestry would like to especially thank Kathy Nessanbaum and her friend Katherine Johnston for their coordination of the event. A special thank you also to Cheryl Waechter for the delicious celebration cake and Jo Dykes for the beautiful table decorations. Thank you to Sarah O’Connor for putting together the memory book for Stephanie and the congregants who submitted letters and photos for the book. Thank you to Stephanie Sumner for the slide show celebrating Stephanie’s 12 years with us, which can be viewed below. Thank you to Ilia Scrivano for writing the beautiful song honoring Stephanie; and, Bradley Burgess and the choir for sharing it with us. The celebration would not have been successful without the help of everyone above and we are very thankful! 

We will always be incredibly grateful for Stephanie’s loving service to Nativity and, while she may no longer be present with us as our Rector, her words and spirit will remain with us. Remember, as Stephanie always liked to remind us, “We are one in whom Christ delights and dwells. We live in the strong and unshakable kingdom of God. The kingdom is not in trouble. And neither are you.”  

Remember Stephanie Allen: Slideshow

Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

October 27 Transition Update

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. … A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. … A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. …A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate[.]

Ecclesiastes 3:1–8, NLT

Since Stephanie’s announcement about her answering a call in the Diocese of East Carolina, I have thought of this scripture often. We are all filled with so many mixed emotions, sadness for her leaving and joy about this wonderful opportunity for her. This weekend we will gather one last time with Stephanie as our Rector. We hope you will be able to join us this Sunday, October 29, immediately following the 10:30 am service for a meal in Estill House. We will celebrate her twelve years of ministry at Nativity and share a meal together with much love and laughter.

Please consider signing up through SignUp Genius for Sunday to RSVP and volunteer.

— Beth Crow, Senior Warden

Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

October 20 Transition Update

Celebrating Rector Stephanie Allen

We will be celebrating the ministry of our wonderful Rector Stephanie Allen on Sunday, October 29 following the 10:30 am service with a pot-luck meal. (Please note there will, of course, be cake!) We are so excited for Stephanie’s next adventure and ask that you hold her and her family in your prayers during her transition process.

Brief Leadership Transition Update

The Vestry had a fruitful meeting this week with the Bishop Sam Rodman and Catherine Massey, the Canon for Transition of the Episcopal Diocese of NC, about a new Rector search. The Diocese will partner with and walk alongside the Vestry during the entire transition process. We also have clergy scheduled through the end of December to give the Vestry time to work with the Diocese to put a transition plan in place. More transition details will be communicated over the coming weeks, but we are encouraged by, excited about and confident in the transition process. The Vestry is trusting in and praying for God’s guidance in this task; and we ask that you hold us and Nativity in your prayers.

Annual Meeting, Sunday, November 12

Nativity’s Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, November 12, immediately following the 10:30 am service. Agenda items include the leadership transition, Recognition of some stepping down from leadership roles, Nativity’s 2024 Stewardship Campaign and making calls for new Vestry members. We would love to see you there! 

Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

October 13 Transition Update

Your Vestry met this past Tuesday evening to begin discussing the steps we as a church must take in the days and months before and following Stephanie’s departure. First on the agenda is planning a celebration potluck luncheon on Sunday, October 29, following the 10:30 service. We have created a SignUp Genius for you to let us know how you are willing to help.

Bill Sena and Beth Crow, your Junior and Senior Wardens, will keep you up to date each week in Glad Tidings as to where we are during this transitional period.

If you have any questions, please email Beth. The Vestry wants to be as transparent as possible and will try to answer all of your questions in our Glad Tidings articles.

Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

A Message From Your Wardens

Dear Members of Church of the Nativity,

By now, most of you will have read Stephanie’s email of yesterday about her having answered a call to work with the Diocese of East Carolina. Though we will miss her and her family, I know we all wish the very best for her as well.

Stephanie will be leaving us in good hands with well functioning ministry teams and an established, highly respected staff who will help Nativity continue to thrive and grow in its ministries. Nativity has been a beacon not just because of the outstanding leadership of Stephanie, but because of its strong lay leadership as well.

Transition and change can be stressful and overwhelming; we need to keep reminding each other that we are not alone in this process. In addition to support from the Diocese and from many talented individuals here at Nativity, we need to first and foremost ask God’s guidance and support. We need to hold Stephanie and her family in our prayers as we also pray for Nativity and all those who will be leading the effort in the search for a new Rector.

As Nativity’s Junior and Senior Wardens, we would like to reassure all of you that the Vestry has already begun conversations as to how we at Nativity will move forward. We will be meeting with Bishop Sam and Catherine Massey from the diocesan office this next week, and will keep the congregation informed during this period of transition. We will learn more about the transition options soon, and all members of the Vestry will be taking names of folks who are offering to help us, which will include helping to plan a farewell celebration for Stephanie as well as forming a search committee.

Beth Crow, Senior Warden
Bill Sena, Junior Warden