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Caring for our Neighbors in Haiti

As I sat on my patio this morning drinking coffee and listening to the birds’ morning songs, my thoughts traveled across the waters to our brothers and sisters in Haiti. What a different morning they are experiencing from the one I woke to enjoy. One week ago on August 14 , their morning routine was shattered by a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake 80 miles east of their capital, Port-au-Prince. Similar in location and severity to the earthquake in 2010, gone were homes, grocery stores, hospitals, places of employment, and churches. Gone were lives of parents, children, and friends. Today they are faced with searching for loved ones, clean water to drink, food supplies, shelter, and first aid.      

Our church has a long-standing connection with Haiti in that we have financially supported the Haiti Reforestation Project for years. Members of our church have served on their board of directors and still do today. Because Haiti has a special place in our hearts, the Outreach Team has responded to this earthquake crisis by sending a donation from the Outreach budget to the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund. This 501(3)c non-profit has been in existence since 1940, when it was called the Presiding Bishop’s Fund with a mission to help refugees fleeing Europe during and after WWII. In the 80 years since, ERD has evolved and broadened its mission to include humanitarian aid, disaster relief, sustainable development, climate change, combating gender-based violence, and early childhood education. These efforts touch at least 3 million lives each year. If you are interested in helping ERD in their relief efforts in Haiti or to learn more about this organization, please visit their site here.  

Lillis Ward

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