Glad Tidings

Caring for our Couple Relationship: Keep your Valentine’s Day Going

Carl and Nancy Terry

Valentine’s Day gave us a chance to celebrate our love for each other and to spend special time together.  We need to keep that going throughout the year.  Let us spend time as a couple reflecting on the Valentine’s Day we just had and what we want to do to continue that celebration.

  • What did you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?  Was it going out to dinner?  Have a quiet dinner at home?  Was it a day or a couple of hours of just being together? Did you plan it as a special date night? 
  • What made it special? Was it the gifts that you gave each other? Was it the card that said just the right things?  Was it the time spent together? Was it the physical contact of being close in body and spirit?  

It is important to have date nights, to keep that special time going.  You might take turns planning it or you could plan together.  Put the time on your calendar. 

Remember Gary Chapman’s five love languages. Remember those gifts that are often the most memorable are those that are expressed in your partner’s love language.  Whether it’s acts of service, physical touch, words of affirmation, time together, or material gifts, express your love as much as you can in their language.

For those of you who are parents, grandparents, aunts, and/or uncles, remember that you are modeling love for them. It is important for you to share with them and in front of them why you love and care for each other and them as well.

A Valentine that was a part of our celebration had a quote that we would like to share with you, “Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Homework:  Have a dialogue with your partner about how you will continue to celebrate and express your love for each other. 

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