
Caring for Our Common Home: Composting (updated blog from December 28, 2015)

By composting at home and the church, we can: 1) reduce the amount of garbage we generate, 2) create valuable compost for home and church gardens, and 3) decrease our carbon footprints by sequestering carbon in the soil.
As part of our goal to achieve “zero waste” on our church campus, Nativity uses a composting service, Food FWD (, which distributes sustainable and compostable single-use items like cups and plates, utensils, take out boxes, and other products for people looking to use earth-friendly items. FWD has provided the church with two collection bins, which they pick up weekly.
Also on our church campus, we have two compost bins just inside the fence of the Nativity Community Garden (NCG). The finished compost is used in the garden. Parishioners are welcome to add compostable materials from their homes to the bins in the NCG). Please only add new raw material to the right hand bin. For what to compost and what not to compost, see lists below.
Another option to keep compostable material out of the landfill is to sign up for a household composting service like CompostNow (

What to Compost:
Kitchen greens, fruit scraps, chewing gum, vegetable scraps, house plant trimmings, coffee grounds, rice, pasta, eggshells, tea bags, fresh flowers (not woody), plant trimmings (not woody), leaves (not as thick matt), coffee filters, stale bread, paper napkins, paper towels, dryer lint (not containing synthetic fibers), hair, fur from brushed animals.

What not to Compost:
Meat, fish, bones, dairy products, oils and fats, sauces, ashes, pet waste, diseased plants, weeds (especially with seeds), grass clippings.