In conjunction with Nativity’s efforts to serve as a catalyst for launching carbon farming in NC (see Caring for Creation blog posts on August 28 and December 3, 2016), Nativity is offering a series of events beginning on April 22 (Earth Day) and going to the end of May. The first event will be a potluck supper and Holy Eucharist at 5 pm on April 22 (Earth Day). The next day, beginning at 10:15 am on Sunday, April; 23, and for the next 5 Sundays, Environmental Stewardship will present a program called A Life of Grace for the Whole World. These events are a direct response to the Episcopal House of Bishop’s call “to acknowledge the urgency of the planetary crisis in which we find ourselves, and to repent of any and all sets of greed, overconsumption, and waste that have contributed to it”, and further, “to take steps in our individual lives, and in community, public policy, business, and other forms of corporate decision – making, to practice environmental stewardship and justice. We hope you will join us. Everyone is welcome