Adult Formation

Adult Formation: The Creeds

From the earliest days of the Church, Christians have recited short summaries of the faith, known as creeds, and they continue to be a cornerstone of our religious practice today. We recite the Nicene creed each week during Holy Eucharist and the Apostle’s creed remains an important centerpiece of the Baptismal liturgy as well as the Daily Office.

But why?

Beginning in June, we will explore and unpack the religious tradition contained within the creeds in a six-part course. We will delve into discussions around what the creeds are, what work they do, and what we mean when we affirm God as Trinity, Jesus as fully human and fully divine, the passion and resurrection, the Holy Spirit, and the one “Holy, catholic, and apostolic church.”

Please register to indicate your interest, let us know what potential times work best, and allow us to purchase the right amount of materials for the class.

— Jeremy Clos

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