Outreach Social Justice

A Letter to Parents

Dear Nativity Parents,
As the coordinator of Nativity’s Peace Library, I want to personally reach out to you about this new ministry we have begun at Nativity, especially for your children. These books have been selected to focus on Nativity’s core values of welcome and inclusion and to celebrate diversity among God’s people. Many of these are award-winning books that have been highly recommended by Quail Ridge Books. It is our hope to provide our young people and their families with tools to help them better understand
our history and our diversity as we seek to continue God’s call for us to love one another.
If you have not seen our website with a listing of all our current books, please click here. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
As we prepare future programming and usage of this library, we would greatly appreciate your input.
• Would you be interested in writing some of the monthly book reviews? (This involves a brief review of the book with three-five questions; a format for writing these would be sent to you.)
• The Peace Library Team has been asked to lead a book reading and possible activity once a month during Sunday School time. Would you be interested in helping with this?

Would your child or youth be interested in providing their own review of any of these books? It can be typed, handwritten, a drawing or even a video. We have a few questions we can provide as prompts.
• We are looking at possible parish outings relating to some of the books, such as a trip to the Greensboro International Civil Rights Museum. Do you have other ideas for activities around the sharing of these books? These could include backyard reading gatherings, art projects, etc.

Please email Beth Crow at to respond to any or all the questions above. If you have any other comments or questions about the Peace Library, please feel free to share these as well.


Beth Crow, Peace Library Coordinator
Peace Library Team: Anne Krouse, Pat McQueen, Carol Smith, Stephanie Sumner, and Lillis Ward

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