Clergy Transition 2023 From the Vestry

A Message From Your Wardens

Dear Members of Church of the Nativity,

By now, most of you will have read Stephanie’s email of yesterday about her having answered a call to work with the Diocese of East Carolina. Though we will miss her and her family, I know we all wish the very best for her as well.

Stephanie will be leaving us in good hands with well functioning ministry teams and an established, highly respected staff who will help Nativity continue to thrive and grow in its ministries. Nativity has been a beacon not just because of the outstanding leadership of Stephanie, but because of its strong lay leadership as well.

Transition and change can be stressful and overwhelming; we need to keep reminding each other that we are not alone in this process. In addition to support from the Diocese and from many talented individuals here at Nativity, we need to first and foremost ask God’s guidance and support. We need to hold Stephanie and her family in our prayers as we also pray for Nativity and all those who will be leading the effort in the search for a new Rector.

As Nativity’s Junior and Senior Wardens, we would like to reassure all of you that the Vestry has already begun conversations as to how we at Nativity will move forward. We will be meeting with Bishop Sam and Catherine Massey from the diocesan office this next week, and will keep the congregation informed during this period of transition. We will learn more about the transition options soon, and all members of the Vestry will be taking names of folks who are offering to help us, which will include helping to plan a farewell celebration for Stephanie as well as forming a search committee.

Beth Crow, Senior Warden
Bill Sena, Junior Warden

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