Caring for Creation

Update on Environmental Stewardship at Nativity

by The Rev. Stephanie Allen

We gathered after church on Sunday, September 24 to reflect on what has been done, to hear what is going on in the wider diocese, and to brainstorm what Nativity might do in regards to environmental stewardship going forward. After the discussion, two potential projects emerged that we could begin immediately.

  1. Holding another energy audit. The last energy audit was held about 8 years ago, and there are potentially more things we might do to lower our energy costs and be better stewards.
  2. Creating a tree seedling garden using the same methods as our partners in the Haiti Reforestation Project and giving the trees away. 

Some of the potential project ideas included:

  • Creating a checklist or point system for other churches to use in their creation care and goal to have zero waste.
  • Findings ways to continue to advocate for environmental stewardship and environmental justice.
  • Discussing a second solar panel array.
  • Considering installation of E.V. chargers in the parking lot. Especially given that we have solar energy, this would be both hospitable and low-cost project for members and visitors to the campus who have electric vehicles.
  • Contemplating partnerships with other churches and the Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle group.

Are you interested in helping with the two projects mentioned above? Or would like to take the lead on any of the other projects that were identified? Email The Rev. Stephanie Allen

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