
A Letter from the Senior Warden

John Oldham

Dear Nativity Community,

Happy Autumn! I hope you and your family are safe and happy. 

I want to update you on recent “regathering” activities at Nativity and invite you to consider coming back to participate in worship service and events in person on the Nativity campus. This is clearly a personal decision for each individual and family to consider based on your family circumstances, health, and other factors. My family and I began to attend services in person last spring and have found the benefits of sharing faith and fellowship in person to be comfortable and renewing. We are holding two services each Sunday and livestreaming the 10:30 service. The livestreaming of the 10:30 am service has been very popular, and I assure you that the staff and Vestry are committed to meeting our members where they are, and we will continue to provide online options for services and many meetings. This past Sunday we had over 100 people attend the 10:30 service in the nave (all masked), followed by a wonderful bring-your-own picnic and sing-along under the oak tree.  

I also want to update you on the activities and missions that Nativity continues to pursue. Ministry teams have been meeting regularly and we have resumed events such as Rise Against Hunger, Backpack Buddies, multiple campus cleanup workdays, youth gatherings, the adult softball team, and senior lunches. Multiple  groups, including Bible study, Spanish class, Social Justice book club, Chatty Yarns, Grief Group and others,  have also been meeting in person and online. Music offerings are back: the choir performed at worship last Sunday and a Beethoven performance was given in the church on Monday evening. Additionally, work has begun on expanding our memorial garden. Are you feeling called to join in any of these activities? You would be most welcome.

Finally, I am asking you to prayerfully consider your 2022 pledge. The Nativity community is blessed with an abundance of resources, and the time and talent gifted by our members to the church and the greater community are what make Church of the Nativity a truly unique community. It is your financial gifts, however, that allow us to compensate our staff, pay the utilities and mortgage, support the ongoing outreach, social justice, and environmental missions, provide children and youth programs, deliver the wonderful musical offerings, and make continued investment in our campus.

Please know that you all are treasured members of the Nativity community, whether you choose to participate in body or in spirit. Stay safe and healthy and please reach out if you would like support or information of any kind.

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