At Church of the Nativity, there are many ways for all ages to get involved in the life of the congregation, to enjoy each other, to learn, and have fun. If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, please Email Church Coordinator.
Ministry | Description | Contact Name |
Acolytes | Assist the clergy during Sunday services; carry the cross, torches, banner, and Gospel book during processionals. | Alicia Lester-Bodford |
Adult Formation | Develop and manage adult education programs. | Jeremy Clos |
Adult Foyer | Adult singles and couples meet monthly in small groups at each other’s homes for dinner and conversation. | Ailsa Tessier |
Choir | Sing at the 10:30 am service and on special occasions. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 pm and 9:30 am Sundays. | Bradley Burgess |
Altar Guild | Prepare the altar for services and clean and press linens for the altar. | Robin Rhaney |
Blue Candle Bible Study | Gather each Monday evening for Bible study and prayer, and once a month to share a potluck dinner. Meets at Jane Vella’s home. | Jane Vella |
Buildings and Grounds | Help maintain the three buildings and the campus of Nativity. | Marc Marotta |
Chatty Yarns | Meets Wednesday mornings at 10 am to chat and knit. | Anita Kerr |
Communications | Oversees the various communications efforts of Nativity, including newsletters, bulletins, website, Facebook, and advertisements. | Gail Christensen |
Daughters of the King | Join this spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service, and evangelism. All DoK members take life-long vows to follow a Rule of Life and service as part of this lay order within the church. | Carolyn Kerr |
Education for Ministry | A four-year program of study, participants meet weekly in seminars led by trained mentors to study the Bible, church history, and theology while learning to engage in theological reflection. | Jeremy Clos |
Emergency Meals | Provide meals to parishioners after a birth, death, or emergency of family members. | Susie Holmes |
Environmental Stewardship | Encourage and practice mindful stewardship of our planet and its resources through conserving energy and resources, protecting habitat, building healthy soil, and working for climate/food justice. | Carl Sigel |
Fellowship | Provide refreshments after Sunday services and for special dinners and potluck suppers. Help in organizing, cooking, setting up, baking cookies, serving, and cleaning up. | Beth Crow |
Finance and Stewardship | Develop and manage the church budget, audits and other financial matters of the church. | John Oldham |
Flowers | Arrange flowers for Sunday services. | Ailsa Tessier |
Handbell Choir | Play handbells for special services and occasions. When a performance is coming up, rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. | Ruth Brown |
Instrumental Accompaniment | Play instruments on special days. | Bradley Burgess |
Lectors | Read the lessons at Sunday services | Bradley Burgess |
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) and Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEVs) | Administer the bread and wine during services and to the sick and homebound. | Bradley Burgess |
Nativity Seniors | Gather monthly with our Seniors for food and fellowship. | Cheryl Waechtler |
Newcomers | Develop and deploy programs and events to welcome new members and assist them in finding programs to meet their needs. | Cheryl Waechter |
Office Volunteers | Help the Parish Coordinator one morning per week to do general office work: produce the bulletins, do mailings, answer phones, etc. | Bradley Burgess |
Outreach | Develop activities and programs to support our Outreach focus areas. | Lillis Ward |
Pastoral Care | Help our parishioners who are ill, in difficulty, or home-bound. | Susie Holmes |
Prayer Chain | Pray for special needs of parishioners and family and friends. | Anita Kerr |
Social Justice Advocacy and Racial Reconciliation | Discuss and develop actions for healing racial divisions. | Beth Crow, Becky Showalter |
Softball | Play on the church men’s softball team. Watch the What’s going on page on the Nativity website for scheduled games. | Robert Joines |
Stephen Ministers | Provide confidential, Christian care to those going through a difficult time in their lives. | Susie Holmes |
Sunday School Teachers | Teach classes for children from ages 3 to grade 12 on Sunday at 9:15 am. | Jeremy Clos |
Ushers | Hand out bulletins, collect the offering, guide parishioners to the altar for communion. | Bradley Burgess |
Vacation Bible School | Plan and lead during one weekend each summer. | Jeremy Clos |
Vestry | Govern the parish jointly with the Rector. | Beth Crow |
Many individuals are needed to serve each Sunday as ushers, acolytes, greeters, flower arrangements, Altar Guild, readers and Eucharistic ministers. If you are and willing to assist with any of these ministries, please Email Church Coordinator.