From the Clergy

2020 Lent Adult Formation Opportunities

Lenten Teaching Series
How to have a Holy Lent—Sundays at 9:30 beginning March 1
“I invite you, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on Gods holy Word.” We hear these words every Ash Wednesday, but how do we practice them throughout all 40 days of Lent? Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for deeper dive into this exhortation. What does the Prayer Book say? What does Scripture say? The history of these practices? Pieces of art or music inspired by these practices? Join us to learn more about the Episcopal Way of Lent.

Lectionary Discussion Groups—Sundays at 9:30

Mens’ Lenten Bible Study—Wednesday mornings in Lent (time TBD)
Men of all ages are invited to join the Rev. Bob Sawyer for a study of scripture during Lent. Reflect upon the upcoming gospel, pray together, and there might just be a hymn sung at the end too!

Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent
Lenten Quiet Day, Saturday, March 21, 9 am—3 pm. The Way of Love is a journey with Jesus. Join us for a day-long retreat for worship, study, prayer, and quiet to prepare our hearts for the journey to Easter. Email Stephanie at to sign up.

Lenten Devotionals
Devotional booklets available in the Narthex on February 23, and a list of on-line resources will be sent via the email newsletter and found at